Saturday, March 17, 2007


So, it's the end of the week and another amazing week it was in the world of White House madness. I thought last week was full of news and newsworthy-ness (kind of like truthiness, if you're a Colbert fan) - but this week just took the cake!

Today brought us the Congressional testimony of the former covert CIA op Valerie Plame Wilson. She was brilliant. She made mincemeat of the handful of Republicans with the balls to show up, and represented herself and her colleagues admirably and with great conviction. If you didn't get a chance to see it, go to and check out the highlights.

Speaking of conviction, if you thought Karl Rove might make it through the next year and a half free and clear, think again. "Turdblossom" as his boss so lovingly refers to him, is getting close to the edge. If you haven't heard about the US Attorney purge, check out Josh Marshall's excellent reporting to fully understand the depth and scope of the bamboozlement. You can learn everything you need to know right here. The bottom line is that Karl and Alberto Gonzalez fired US Attorneys that were delving too deeply into Republican corruption (like Carol Lam in San Diego who was in charge of investigating Randy "Duke" Cunningham).

Speaking of Duke - MAN! Those Blue Devils went down to crushing defeat last night - lost to Virginia Commonwealth - first time they lost in the first round since 1997! I have to say that was mighty sweet! But I'm a UCONN fan, and they shit the bed all season and didn't even make it in to the NCAA, so..... you understand my animosity. I have to live with the nightmare of Christian Laettner, March 1990, with 3 seconds left as he hits a shot from half court at the buzzer to send my Huskies home.... oh God, it still hurts.

So buh bye Duke. Buh bye Karl. Buy Bye Alberto.

Life is getting sweeter by the day.....

Happy weekend!

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