Monday, November 19, 2007

Ray McGovern On Intelligence, National Or Lacking

McGovern says the public wouldn't have stomached it if Bush and Cheney had come right out and said "we want to seize the oil in Iraq and make the region safe for Israel," so they played on fear. They were playing on fear anyway, then 9/11 happened.

(For more background: Here's a short CNN interview with McGovern that's full of juicy stuff about what Cheney lied about.)

Before 9/11, the link between al-Qaeda and Iraq was investigated and found lacking.

McG. tells a story: Bush was wandering alone in the White House just after 9/11 and took aside his aides and asked, "Was it Saddam? Was it Saddam?" He wanted all the evidence. He wanted to establish a link.

Long, crazy Bush quote about Saddam gassing his own people, then linking up with al-Qaeda. Very emphatic.

Tim Russert asked Cheney if there was any evidence linking Iraq and al-Q.; Cheney said it's "pretty well-confirmed" that one of the hijackers had a link...

PNAC strikes again...

Laptop is about to die. Must post and find new spot to plug in...


More McGovern, this time interviewed by Jon Stewart:

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