Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tings Happenin, On Stage & Off

In just over a month, Culture Project opens, Tings Dey Happen, a great one-man show about Nigeria and oil politics by Dan Hoyle.

But the news isn't waiting a month. Check out two recent BBC stories about Nigeria, one about the mess that its government is fast becoming, the other about oil prices and the strikes they create.

A lot of people don't know that Nigeria is the largest oil-producer in Africa and one of its most populous countries (and few democracies), nor that its oil industry and economy in general are increasingly fucked up, as foreign powers (the US and China) loom, warlords grab power, oil company unions go on strike, and beleaguered politicians and average Nigerians struggle to keep their gars gassed, their dinner plates full, and their heads attached to their bodies.

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